Winter Is Here ... Along With Dry, Frizzy Hair

Winter has arrived and we have some great tips to look after your hair. It is common for hair to become dry and frizzy during the colder and windier months. Here are some tips to look after your hair during Winter:

Temperatures over 180c can fade your hair colour and dry the hair from the roots to the tips. We recommend that you use a good quality Heat Protector Spray such as the EIMI THERMAL IMAGE SPRAY @ $24.00 or the S-FACTOR FLAT IRON SHINE SPRAY @ $32.95 for extra shine, before you straighten or curl your hair.
Get yourself a good quality hair treatment or come in to the salon and enjoy a deluxe deep therapy treatment. We recommend SYSTEM PROFESSIONAL HYDRATING MASK @ $38.00 available for purchase in the salon.
Wash your hair less! Less shampoo means more moisture. Although washing your hair less can make some hair feel oily, most of us have discovered dry shampoo and how it allows us to skip a shower or two. In Winter however, it can live up to its name and literally dry hair out.